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Excalibur comes built in with two physics simulations.

  • "Arcade" style physics which is good for basic collision detection for non-rotated rectangular areas.
    • Example: platformers, tile based games, top down, etc
  • "Realistic" style physics which is good for rigid body games where realistic collisions are desired
    • Example: block stacking, angry bird's style games, etc


Note: The SolverStrategy.Arcade does not support body.friction.


Arcade physics simulation is on by default, but can be enabled explicitly in the Engine constructor.

const game = new Engine({
physics: {
solver: SolverStrategy.Arcade
const game = new Engine({
physics: {
solver: SolverStrategy.Arcade


Realistic physics are not on by default, but can be enabled explicitly in the Engine constructor.

const game = new Engine({
physics: {
solver: SolverStrategy.Realistic
const game = new Engine({
physics: {
solver: SolverStrategy.Realistic


Other Physics Settings

See PhysicsConfig documentation for more

Using Physics with Actors or Entities

The physics simulation has 2 major pieces for actors

  1. BodyComponent - Controls the motion and qualities of the physics simulation
  2. ColliderComponent - Stores the geometry of any collider and performs overlap testing


Actors come out of the box with both of these components, an implicitly created BodyComponent and a ColliderComponent of a box that matches the specified width and height, or a circle

const actor = new ex.Actor({
pos: ex.vec(200, 200),
width: 100,
height: 100,
collisionType: ex.CollisionType.Active,
const builtInBox = actor.collider.get()
const actor = new ex.Actor({
pos: ex.vec(200, 200),
width: 100,
height: 100,
collisionType: ex.CollisionType.Active,
const builtInBox = actor.collider.get()


Reminder entities don't have anything pre-built, all Actors are Entities, but with the common built in features included.

const entity = new ex.Entity([
new TransformComponent(),
new BodyComponent(),
new ColliderComponent(),
const tx = entity.get(TransformComponent)
const body = entity.get(BodyComponent)
const collider = entity.get(ColliderComponent)
const entity = new ex.Entity([
new TransformComponent(),
new BodyComponent(),
new ColliderComponent(),
const tx = entity.get(TransformComponent)
const body = entity.get(BodyComponent)
const collider = entity.get(ColliderComponent)

Collision System Under the Hood

Under the hood excalibur does a broadphase/narrowphase approach to locating and resolving collisions.

  1. Broadphase is run against a dynamic tree spatial data structure to locate potential collision pairs

  2. Narrowphase is run to find any actual overlapping colliders

  3. The collision solver is run (Arcade or Realistic). Collisions are resolved according to the configured solver, either Arcade which does axis aligned resolution, or realistic which attempts to do a force based resolution.

    a. precollision events are fired on Entities just before collision resolution, you have an opportunity to call CollisionContact.cancel and stop the collision at this time.

    b. postcollisionevents are fire after resolution.

    c. collisionstart events fire when two colliders first touch, and does not fire in subsequent frames until they separate.

    d. collisionend events fire when two colliders separate, and does not fire in subsequent frames until they touch again.

Example Active-Active/Active-Fixed scenario

// setup game
const game = new ex.Engine({
width: 600,
height: 400,
physics: {
// use rigid body realistic
solver: ex.SolverStrategy.Realistic,
// set global acceleration simulating gravity pointing down
gravity: ex.vec(0, 700)
const block = new ex.Actor({
pos: new ex.Vector(300, 0),
width: 20,
height: 20,
color: ex.Color.Blue
block.body.useBoxCollider(); // useBoxCollision is the default, technically optional
block.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;
const circle = new ex.Actor({
x: 301,
y: 100,
width: 20,
height: 20,
color: ex.Color.Red
circle.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;
const ground = new ex.Actor({
x: 300,
y: 380,
width: 600,
height: 10,
color: ex.Color.Black;
ground.body.useBoxCollider(); // optional
ground.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Fixed;
// start the game
// setup game
const game = new ex.Engine({
width: 600,
height: 400,
physics: {
// use rigid body realistic
solver: ex.SolverStrategy.Realistic,
// set global acceleration simulating gravity pointing down
gravity: ex.vec(0, 700)
const block = new ex.Actor({
pos: new ex.Vector(300, 0),
width: 20,
height: 20,
color: ex.Color.Blue
block.body.useBoxCollider(); // useBoxCollision is the default, technically optional
block.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;
const circle = new ex.Actor({
x: 301,
y: 100,
width: 20,
height: 20,
color: ex.Color.Red
circle.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Active;
const ground = new ex.Actor({
x: 300,
y: 380,
width: 600,
height: 10,
color: ex.Color.Black;
ground.body.useBoxCollider(); // optional
ground.body.collider.type = ex.CollisionType.Fixed;
// start the game